[only portions with proposed revisions are shown - 05/09/21]


The local shall be known as Local 4671, Communications Workers of America

The local shall be known as the Communications Workers of America Local 4671.


Section 2 - Application

A member who voluntarily resigns from the Union and reapplies for membership will be accepted only after an initiation fee of $5.00 is paid to the Local. This initiation fee may be waived by recommendation of the Membership Committee at a Local Membership Meeting.

A member who voluntarily resigns from the Union and reapplies for membership will be accepted only after an initiation fee of $100.00 is paid to the Local.


Section 1 - Membership

The affairs of this Local shall be governed by its membership in accordance with the Constitution and policies of the Union in the following manner:

(a) Through action taken in Local Mmembership meetings of all Areas or by referendum of membership.

Section 2 - Executive Board

Effective January 1, 2024, the Executive Board shall be made up of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Secretary-Treasurer and one Area Union Representative from each of the following areas: South, North, CenturyLink, and Assignment Center with respective memberships to be determined by the records of the Local Secretary. Representation duties may be assigned to another Executive Board member by the Local President with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board members. This is subject to appeal by the respective Area membership.



Area meetings of this Local may, at the discretion of the Area Union Representative, be held as close to the second Wednesday of the month as possible. Local Membership meetings may be held quarterly throughout the Local. Local Membership meetings may be called by a majority vote of the Executive Board, Local Officers, or by a petition signed by 25% of the membership. Upon receipt of a proper petition a Special Local Membership meeting shall be held within twenty five (25) days after proper notification of the Special meeting has been given to the membership. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority to conduct all meetings of Local 4671.

Local Membership Meetings shall be held quarterly throughout the Local. Local Membership Meetings may be called by a majority vote of the Executive Board, Local Officers, or by a petition signed by 25% of the membership. Upon receipt of a proper petition, a Special Local Membership Meeting shall be held within twenty-five (25) days after proper notification of the Special Meeting has been given to the membership. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority to conduct all meetings of the Local.

Area Meetings of the Local will typically be held monthly at the discretion of the Area Representative.


A. Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the National Convention shall be elected by the membership on a secret ballot by a plurality vote no more than 120 days before nor less than 30 days in advance of the National Convention at a Local General Membership or a Special General Local Membership meeting.

B. In the event the Local elects to send more than one delegate to the Union National Convention, the Local shall determine the Convention votes assigned to each delegate in accordance with Article VII of the Union Constitution.

C. It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Local to certify the Local delegates to the Union National Convention to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union within the time limits specified in Article VIII of the Union Constitution.


A. The Local shall have the following Committees:

(1) COPE (Committee on Political Education) Committee
(2) Education Committee
(3) Election Committee
(4) Finance Committee
(5) Membership Committee
(6) Scholarship Committee

F. Duties of the Committees:

(1) COPE Committee - The COPE Committee shall be responsible for implementing and carrying out of the COPE program.

(2) Education Committee - The Education Committee shall assist in developing the Local’s educational program and, with the Local Officers, be responsible for effectuating the Union’s and Local’s Educational program.

(3) Election Committee - The Election Committee shall conduct all elections and referenda of this local.

(4) Finance Committee - The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Local Secretary-Treasurer and will develop a proposed annual budget, required changes in the dues structure, and submit necessary recommendations for the approvals of the Local Executive Board and the Local Membership.

(5) Membership Committee - The Membership Committee shall accept or reject membership applications in accordance with the Bylaws and rules of the Local and Article V of the CWA Constitution and policies of the Union.

(6) Scholarship Committee - The Scholarship Committee shall establish the rules for eligibility for the yearly Local Scholarship. The amount of the Scholarship will be determined at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee subject to Executive Board approval. A random drawing will be held to determine scholarship winners.


A. The order of business at a Local meeting shall be as follows:

(1) Call to Order
(2) Invocation (optional)
(2) Roll Call (optional)
(3) Action on Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) (optional)
(4) Report of Officers
(5) Report of Committees
(6) Unfinished Business
(7) New Business
(8) Good and Welfare
(9) Adjournment


Section 1 - Local Officers

A. The Officers of the Local shall be:
(1) Local President
(2) Local Vice President
(3) Local Secretary-Treasurer
(4) Local Treasurer

B. The duties of Local Officers shall be as follows:

(1) The Local President shall -
a. Be responsible for the conduct of all Local Business.
b. Preside at Local Executive Board, Local Officers’ meetings, Local Membership meetings, and upon request, at Area Membership meetings.
c. Be a Delegate to all Conventions of the Union and chair of the Local’s delegation.
d. Prosecute grievances and appeal them to higher levels of the Union when not satisfactorily settled by request of Area Union Representatives.
e. Supervise all Local Committees and
f. Approve bills to be paid, and countersign checks drawn on the Local Treasury and
g. Perform whatever additional duties as may be assigned by the Local or required by the policies.

(2) The Local Vice President shall -
a. Work under the direction of the Local President.
b. Maintain the grievance log for the Local and
c. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Local, the Local Executive Board, or the Local President.

(3) The Local Secretary-Treasurer shall -
a. Maintain a record of the Local Membership.
b. Maintain the minutes of all meetings of the Local and record the Local Executive Board Meetings.
c. Furnish the District Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Union with copies of any changes in these Bylaws within ten (10) days after such changes are made.
d. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Local, the Local Executive Board, or the Local president.

(4) The Local Treasurer shall -
d. Be custodian of all assets of the Local.
e. Report via Area Representatives to the membership of the financial status of the Local.
f. Be bonded, as must any other person who handles Local funds or other property, in accordance with the Union Constitution or any State or Federal law.
g. Cause the payment of all bills approved by the Local President, Local Executive Board, and Local with proper documentation and
h. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Local, the Local Executive Board, or the Local President.

Section 2 - Area Union Representatives

A. Area Union Representatives shall be elected in the month of November to hold office for three (3) years or until a successor is elected, by the members of each Area which has been established by the Executive Board on an area or work group basis.
B. Area Union Representatives shall preside over meetings of their respective Chief Stewards and other Area Meetings as they deem appropriate.
C. Area Union Representatives shall appoint as many Chief Stewards in each of their respective Areas as they deem necessary for proper Area operation, subject to approval by the Executive Board.
D. Area Union Representatives shall be members of the Executive Board and shall work under the direction of the President and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board or the members of their respective Area.

Section 3 - Chief Stewards

The duties of Chief Stewards shall be as follows:

A. Work under the direction of the Area Union Representative and perform whatever duties as may be assigned by the Local Executive Board or the Area Union Representative.
B. Chief stewards will conduct Area membership meetings under the direction of their Area Union Representative.

Section 4 - Job Stewards

The duties of Job Stewards shall be to work under the direction of the Chief Stewards and/or Area Representative and perform whatever duties as may be assigned by the Local Executive Board or Area Union Representative.


B. The number constituting a quorum for Area meetings or Local membership meetings shall be any number of members present, provided due notice of the meeting has been given the members of the Local or Area. “Due Notice” shall mean a notice posted on the Local's website at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.


Section 1 - Nominations

Area Union Representatives shall be nominated in the month of November every three (3) years at their respective Area Meetings. Local Officers shall be nominated in the month of October every three (3) years at the Local Membership Meeting.

Local Officers shall be nominated in the month of September every three (3) years. Nominations will take place at the September General Membership Meeting OR by USPS certified mail to the Chair of the Election Committee. A second is not required. The acceptance of any nomination must be confirmed by the Election Committee.

Area Representatives shall be nominated in the month of November every three (3) years at their respective Area Meeting(s) OR a nomination may be made by USPS certified mail to the Chair of the Election Committee. A second is not required. The acceptance of any nomination must be confirmed by the Election Committee.

Nominations must be made by members in good standing with the Local and a member of the respective Area, as appropriate.

Section 2 - Elections

Election of Local Officers and Area Union Representatives by the members in the Local or Area shall be by secret ballot of the membership in the month of November every three (3) years. Notice of the election shall be posted and mailed to each member at their last known address not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the election. Such notice must specify the time and place of the election and the offices to be filled. Elections will be conducted in the following manner:

(1) Ballot conducted by U.S. Mail.

(2) There shall be no “write in” votes in the election of Local Officers, Area Union Representatives, or Convention Delegates.

(3) In the event there is only one nominee for an elected position on a ballot, the Election Committee Chairperson may request a unanimous ballot for the nominee(s) and these nominees may be elected at that time.

Election of Local Officers shall be by secret ballot of the Local membership in the month of October every three (3) years. Notice of the election shall be posted on the website and Union bulletin boards and mailed to each member at their last known address not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the election. Such notice must specify the timeline of the election and the offices to be filled. Elections will be conducted in the following manner:

(1) Ballot, if necessary, conducted by USPS Mail.

(2) There shall be no “write in” votes in the election of Local Officers.

(3) In the event there is only one nominee for an elected position on a ballot, the Election Committee Chair may cast a unanimous ballot for the nominee(s) and this/these nominee(s) will be elected at that time.

Election of Area Representatives shall be by secret ballot of the members in the Area in the month of December every three (3) years. Notice of the election shall be posted on the Local's website and Union bulletin boards and mailed to each member at their last known address not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the election. Such notice must specify the timeline of the election and the offices to be filled. Elections will be conducted in the following manner:

(1) Ballot, if necessary, conducted by USPS Mail.

(2) There shall be no “write in” votes in the election of Area Representatives.

(3) In the event there is only one nominee for an elected position on a ballot, the Election Committee Chair may cast a unanimous ballot for the nominee(s) and this/these nominee(s) will be elected at that time.

Section 3 - Local Election Committee

(1) The nomination and election of Local Officers, members of the Executive Board, and Delegates to the CWA National Convention shall be conducted under the supervision of the Election Committee. This Committee shall have the authority and responsibility to see that nominations and elections are conducted in accordance with the Union Constitution and these Bylaws with reasonable opportunity for each member to nominate and vote for the candidate of their choice. In the event a member desires to be nominated for any elected position and is unable to attend the nomination meeting, a signed, dated statement stating “if nominated I will run for (whatever position)” may be given to the Election Committee Chairperson and after the required second, that member’s name will be placed in nomination.

Section 4 - General Provisions

(1) The nominee in any election receiving the majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. In the case of elections requiring a majority vote, if no one nominee receives a majority on the first ballot, a run-off election shall be conducted and the two nominees receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot shall be the nominees on the second ballot. If no one nominee receives a majority on the first ballot and there is a tie for second place, a run-off election shall be conducted and the person receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot and the two persons who tied for second place shall be the nominees on the second ballot.

(1) The nominee in any election receiving the majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected. If no one nominee receives a majority on the first ballot, a run-off election shall be conducted and the two nominees receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot, or all three nominees if there was a tie for second place, shall be the nominees on the second ballot.

(2) Only members of the Local in good standing shall be eligible to vote or hold office. Any member prohibited by Section 504 of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA) will not be allowed to seek or hold office.

(3) The term of office shall be for three (3) years.

(4) The officers and Area Union Representatives shall take office on the date of election.

(4) Local Officers and Area Representatives shall take office on January 1st, following the election.


The local shall pay from the treasury every year the present established quota for the Committee on Political Education. The payment shall be made after January 1st and not less than 60 days before the National Convention. Increases in the present established quota shall be subject to membership approval at the first Local membership meeting of the year.



Each elected Officer of the Local, after meeting all other qualifications, shall be duly installed upon taking the following oath:

“I (give name) hereby accept the office of (name of office) of Local (give Local number 4671), of the Communications Workers of America, with full knowledge of the responsibilities and duties of such office.”

“I promise to faithfully discharge my duties according to the Bylaws and the rules of the Local and the Constitution and policies of the Union.”

“I further promise to give my successor in office all books and records in my possession. I shall at all times endeavor to serve my Local and the Union to the best of my ability, so help me God.”



These Bylaws shall be adopted upon the approval of a majority of the members voting upon their adoption in the membership meeting called for that purpose.

These Local Bylaws were recommended for adoption by the Local Executive Board on January 08, 2009.

This copy includes all amendments as of May 18, 2009. Voted on by Local Membership meeting Rhinelander WI.

This copy includes all amendments as of May 13, 2017. Voted on by Local Membership meeting Wausau, WI.